Welcome to IndyBBQGuru

Greetings and welcome to IndyBBQGuru! This is a site dedicated to my adventures in cooking “low and slow”, true BBQ, the art of grilling, finding and experiencing God in all of it, and in general good tasting food.

Want to know more about my story in this art of BBQ? Check out the ABOUT page.

BBQ is not something meant for just one person. It’s also an experience that you and your friends can enjoy. Check out the SERVICES page for information about small scale catering (10-100 people) that I do, BBQ & Grilling Classes I teach, recommendations for restaurants to visit if you’re traveling to a city, and honest to goodness critiques of food you’re willing to share with me.

Everyone claims to have the best BBQ around. The best ribs, chicken, brisket, pulled pork, duck, wings, whole hog, etc…Check out the REVIEWS page to see my thoughts and opinions on what BBQ joints across the country are cooking.

BBQ and the grill have always been inspiration to me. Every now and then I get some really encouraging nuggets of truth that I will typically journal about, but I can share it on here to. Check out the BLOG for those inspiring and encouraging (at least to me) thoughts.

Lastly, if you want to get hold of me for whatever reason, simply go to the CONTACT page and share whatever is on your mind.

I plan to be active on my Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook (@IndyBBQGuru for all three) to post pictures of all these adventures. Give me a follow!

Blog at WordPress.com.

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